Case Study: Changing Algeria

Identifying new markets and new opportunities in a changing Algeria

Much of the ‘behind the scenes’ work at TVET UK is monitoring and researching international markets and, once identified, ensuring that our members are among the first to respond to any opportunities that have developed.

Algeria is looking to become a viable market for the UK VET sector, and TVET UK has been working with the British Embassy and a number of ministries within the country to identify new partners and new projects.

Traditionally a Francophone nation, Algeria is looking to strengthen bi-lateral links with the UK and develop English as the business of commerce and industry in order to be able to compete more effectively in the global market place. It is a hydro-carbon based economy, and there is a move towards developing a highly-skilled indigenous workforce, ranked among the world’s best, rather than relying on costly expatriate personnel.

Algeria is a hydro-carbon based economy, and there is a move towards developing a highly-skilled indigenous workforce, ranked among the world’s best, rather than relying on costly expatriate personnel.

These and other factors encouraged Matthew Anderson, Executive Director of TVET UK, to take a closer look at Algeria as a new market for TVET UK members and the UK vet sector. He met with Andy Henderson, former HMA, Algeria to discuss the country and current and future opportunities. The Ambassador was encouraging and TVET UK delegation was invited to visit him and high profile national government ministers and leaders of industry on a scoping mission.

The trade mission was extremely positively received and an incoming study tour, and TVET UK arranged an incoming study tour to maintain the momentum and strengthen relationships. In April 2012, TVET UK members hosted the first Algerian delegation, which included representatives from three government ministries, Chambers of Commerce and the energy sector. They visited a number of colleges and providers across the UK in order to gain an understanding of the UK VET system, and to identify potential partners for forthcoming projects. A visit to Cambridge Regional College resulted in a number of teacher training contracts for the international development department.

TVET UK hopes to sign an MOU with the Oran Chamber of Commerce this summer. This will lay the foundations for future business development by raising our profile with decision makers in the country, strengthening relationships and making it much easier for our members to do business there.

Matthew says: ‘Algeria is an important market for us and there are many possibilities for UK suppliers. Through TVET UK and its relationship with key stakeholders, we can open doors for our members and take them directly to viable opportunities.’

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